Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer Breeze

I know that the current weather says something different, right now, in many places, but I am hopeful that summer breezes are right around the corner.

Today, I am taking off to meet up with my pal, Dawn!! We are going to embarrass,er, visit her sweet son at college, take him to dinner and then she and I are going to have some girl time at a hotel!

So, today is a great day to finish the little contest that was started a couple of weeks ago. The Ever Changing Moods Summer 2010 summer playlist!! I have received all song suggestions along with an entire book from one fan!! I will have to decide on a few from his favs, of course!!

I am going to award copies of the summer playlist to three people!! All you have to do, while I am gone, is answer a really easy question. If you are a fan, it will be an easy one!! You can either answer on my blog page or my Facebook fan page. To be eligible, you had to have turned in a song suggestion!! When I get back, I will look at all answers. The correct answers will win. If there are more than three correct answers, I will look at the time stamps of all entries and will have to go with the first three people!! Good luck and I love you for following me!!

Early in my blogging stages, I posted about something that scares me in the kitchen. Can you remember?

That's it!! Good luck!!


KathyMS said...

I think you're talking about baking.

Dawn said...

You're not a baker! ;)